Britwind Wind Turbines
Although we do not supply these wind turbines we have worked with them over many years and can recommend their high quality and performance.
See their website for more details and contacts for approved installers.
The Britwind R9000 small wind turbine is the result of years of dedicated research and development, based on engineering experience of designing big wind turbines.
It has been installed across the globe from UK to USA to Madagascar and is fully MCS certified. Over 1,500 installations are currently working to help farmers, home owners, schools and businesses produce green energy.
The R9000 small wind turbine has been system engineered to ensure maximum energy yield and durability.
Through specific design, the R9000 is able to capture more energy at lower wind speeds making it the most efficient 5kW turbine available. The turbine’s reliability is backed by millions of operating hours in the field.
For more information please see: Wind Power
Britwind R9000 5kW
The R9000 5kW wind turbine has been engineered to ensure maximum energy yield by generating energy at low wind speeds, and by running continuously and safely at high wind speeds – the most efficient 5KW turbine available.
The R9000 delivers maximum energy yield
The R9000 starts generating energy at low wind speeds and is designed to run continuously at high wind speeds, so providing the maximum yield possible - giving you energy generation when the wind is blowing it’s strongest.
At low to moderate wind speeds the patented pitch system, Reactive Pitch™, holds the blades in the optimum position for capturing maximum energy from the wind. At high wind speeds the R9000’s Reactive Pitch™ mechanism automatically pitches the blades so it can regulate energy capture and blade speed. It therefore continues to capture energy – up to the full 5kW power rating.
The R9000 delivers you class leading performance - maximising the kilowatt hours of energy produced.
Rating: 5kW @ 12m/s (26.9mph), continuous to 60m/s (134mph)
Rotor Diameter: 5.5m
Cut In Windspeed: 3m/s (6.7mph)
R9000 Towers
Britwind tower products are designed to provide the optimum performance and durability to complement the wind turbines.
Britwind’s specialist engineers have designed two types of free standing monopole towers which are available in 10m, 12m, 15m and 18m (33, 40, 50 and 60ft) heights, all designed to be easily transported and assembled.