Our commitment to the environment
Our Premises

Wind & Sun Ltd operate over two sites:
- Lion Yard, Upper Hill, where we have offices, showroom and warehousing. We purchased this property in 2014 and carried out significant conversion work to the buildings before starting to use them at the end of 2015.
- Humber Marsh, Stoke Prior, where we have offices, workshop and training room. We have operated from here since 1997 and several new buildings have been constructed and improvements made.
Upper Hill
- A 50kWp PV system was installed to provide on-site generation.
- A storage system is included to increase self-consumption of renewable energy which also provides back-up power.
- A Biomass heating system has been installed to replace a former oil fired heating system
- Led lighting has been fitted to replace fluorescent lighting and reduce energy requirements.
- These combined measures ensure that the whole site is carbon neutral in energy use.
- There is a rainwater harvesting system and drinking water supply from a well
- EV and E-bike charging points are available.
Humber Marsh
- Our Humber Marsh office building was designed with energy conservation in mind and incorporates a high degree of thermal mass wrapped in high levels of Warmcell recycled paper insulation.
- It has a glazed south facing gable to optimise passive solar gain, which minimises the requirement for heating or cooling systems that may create energy demands in excess of that supplied by wind and solar units.
- The building was designed so that it utilizes natural ventilation cooling in summer instead of using high energy solutions such as air conditioning and mechanical ventilation.
- The building has high levels of draught proofing.
- All other buildings have high levels of thermal insulation.
- Low energy lighting is used throughout our premises.
Electricity Supply
We produce our own power using several grid connected photovoltaic arrays located at both sites and a 2.5kW wind turbine (at Humber Marsh) these generate the equivalent of at least the annual electrical requirements of both sites.
- Power generated is used first by site loads and then any surplus power is exported to the grid. The National Grid acts as an energy store supplying power in times when demand exceeds production.
- All other energy, purchased from the grid, is supplied on a green tariff by Good Energy who in turn source 100% of their supplies from renewable sources.
Energy Use & Energy Conservation
Energy is best utilised with a concerted effort to minimise energy usage.
- To minimise energy wastage, all electrical appliances are switched off at the wall outlet when not in use.
- To minimise heat losses, in winter, doors and windows are kept shut to avoid heat loss.
- Office appliances used have been selected for energy efficiency.
- All other buildings have high levels of thermal insulation.
- Low energy lighting is used throughout our premises.

- We make an effort to minimise unnecessary journeys by Wind & Sun employees.
- Where possible journeys are planned to minimise mileage and therefore promote fuel economy.
- Greenhouse gas emissions from plane transport are extremely high. All our stock from Europe is transported by boat. Often products from America are transported by plane because of time constraints – we aim to change this in the future.
- We aim to minimise shipping to keep costs and fuel use as low as possible.
- Electric vehicle charging points are provided at both sites
- Cycling to work is encouraged (we are part of cycle-to-work scheme), shower and changing facilities are provided and at Upper Hill there is a cycle shelter (with electric points for charging E-bikes).
- When recruiting we aim to do this from the local area in order to reduce travel, and by these means to minimise vehicle emissions and traffic volumes.
Waste Management
Wind & Sun Ltd. try to lessen the amount of waste going to landfill, protect the environment and act in a responsible manner so as not to waste resources that could be utilised.
Reduction, Re-use and Recycling of Waste
- We aim to reduce waste creation.
- We re-use and recycle as much waste as possible.
- All waste is separated for re-use or recycling.
- We re-use and recycle packaging as much as possible, whilst still ensuring that all goods reach their destination in good condition.
- All cardboard boxes and packing materials received by Wind & Sun are re-used for despatch of products. Packaging that cannot be utilised for re-use is recycled as far as possible.
- The only packaging purchased is bubble wrap & stretch wrap, all other packaging has been used previously.
- Printing is double sided where possible to avoid wasting paper.
- Wind & Sun will accept returned packaging to utilise for re-use.
- Toners and print cartridges are returned to supplier for recycling.
- All our organic waste is composted.
Wind & Sun Operations Procurement
In our office and warehouses:
- Use of recycled paper, envelopes, boxes and packaging or products made from local sustainable wood are our preferred choice.
- Wind & Sun Ltd try to support local shops and buy local produce as this helps to keep money within the local economy.
- Fair-trade, organic food and drink are obtained where possible.
- Wind & Sun Ltd use Ecover cleaning and washing products and environmentally benign paint to reduce the amount of harmful chemicals.
Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Anyone who imports PV panels into the UK (including not only PV Distributors but also Installation Companies or Project Developers) is required to:
- Register with the Environment Agency as a producer of EEE (Electrical and Electronic Equipment).
- Report the total amount of EEE placed on the UK market, which may include other equipment in addition to PV panels.
- Pay the appropriate producer registration charge set by the regulatory authority.
- Take financial responsibility for waste PV panels under the arrangements described within the regulations.
Wind & Sun’s Producer Registration Number is WEE/GK4677RY
Water and Sewage
Rainwater harvesting system installed at Upper Hill to provide grey water for a new toilet block. The Upper Hill site water supply is from our own well Rain water is collected at Humber Marsh for use in wildlife ponds. We have no mains drainage on either site. Sewerage is dealt with via a septic tank which drains off towards the orchard area nourishing the fruit trees.
Working on Installation Sites
- All waste packaging and materials are removed from site after work is finished for re-use or recycling.
- Care is taken during every operation undertaken by Wind & Sun that it does not create any deleterious environmental effects.
Toxic Materials
Batteries Batteries are used for energy storage in off-grid wind and solar systems.
All businesses that place batteries onto the UK market are affected by the Batteries Regulations and are known as Producers and must register directly with the Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS).
Batteries for use in energy storage systems are categorised as Industrial Batteries.
As a producer of industrial batteries under the Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009, Wind & Sun Ltdproduce lead acid and lithium ion batteries. We are obliged to take back free of charge, waste industrial batteries supplied to an end user for treatment and recycling. We are required to do this in any calendar year we place new industrial batteries on the market. If any of our customers or in certain cases other end users, require us to take back Industrial batteries, they should contact us via the link at the bottom of this page. We will agree the necessary arrangements for the return, proper treatment and recycling of the waste industrial batteries.
Wind & Sun’s Battery Producer Registration Number is BPRN04942
Cables & Wiring The production, use and disposal of PVC results in the creation and release of large amounts of persistent toxic & carcinogenic chemicals, including dioxin – a hormone disruptor, one of the most toxic substances known.
- In order to avoid this environmental contamination Wind & Sun aim to use polyethylene or rubber insulated cables in place of PVC insulated cables wherever possible.
Other Products & Materials
Wind & Sun aim to avoid the use of any hazardous materials wherever possible.
COSHH data sheets for materials used are available and stored in 25.0.10 COSHH data sheets
Wind & Sun's Environmental and Sustainability Policy

Wind & Sun aim to conduct our activities and operations to reflect best environmental and sustainability practice and seek innovative ways of meeting environmental objectives through a commitment to continual improvement.
These include:
- To meet and, where appropriate exceed all relevant UK, European and international legislative and regulatory requirements and agreements;
- To review all our activities and operations in order to identify, understand and evaluate all the direct and indirect environmental aspects and effects, and prioritise action to address them;
- To reduce energy and resource consumption;
- To influence our suppliers to support sustainable practices;
- To raise awareness of environmentally responsible practice within the workplace;
- To prevent pollution;
- To avoid the use of toxic materials wherever possible;
- To consider the sustainability issues behind all actions, taking into consideration not just the environmental and economic effects, but the social and ethical implications as well.
Wind & Sun aims to achieve these objectives through implementation of our Environmental Management Policy

Wildlife and Biodiversity
At our main site (Lion Yard, Upper Hill) we have created and enhanced habitats for the benefit of environment and wildlife. This has included measures such as landscaping, planting, pond creation and putting up nestboxes.
We also own and manage Humber Marsh Nature Reserve as part of our commitment to wildlife preservation and education.
This is a 13 acre wetland nature reserve, maintenance and development of the reserve has been funded from Wind & Sun’s business revenues.
ISO 14001 Certification
Wind & Sun are pleased to have our environmental performance acknowledged by achieving ISO 14001 certification.
We are certified for "Sales and distribution of renewable energy systems and components".
The international environmental management standard of ISO14001 is recognised in over 150 countries and is awarded to companies that document and regularly review their systems and products with the aim of evaluating all areas where its activities have an environmental impact or benefit.